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Ohio Mortuary Operational  Response Team

Supporting Communities in Crisis


About Us

Our Mission and Vision

Ohio Mortuary Operational Response Team (OMORT) is a pioneering Mass Fatality Response Team established in 2011. Our primary focus is to aid local coroners and medical examiners in the sensitive and crucial tasks of human remains identification during mass fatality incidents. With expertise in initial scene response, temporary morgue operations, victim identification, and family assistance, we stand ready to provide essential support in times of crisis.


Key Services

Empowering Communities Through Disaster Response

Initial Scene Response

Immediate Action

OMORT's swift and efficient initial scene response ensures timely and organized management of mass fatality incidents, safeguarding the dignity of the deceased and providing closure for their families.

Victim Identification

Precise Identification

Our specialized victim identification procedures are thorough and meticulous, ensuring accurate identification and respectful repatriation of human remains to their loved ones.

Preparedness Training

Orangizational Readiness

OMORT's proactive approach includes training and preparedness programs, equipping local authorities and volunteers with the necessary skills to effectively respond to mass fatality incidents.

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